Monday, February 7, 2011

What makes a good blog?

Well, here I am.  I have a captive audience (of 2), lots of things to say, and crappy unreliable Internet, that no doubt will stop me from saying it, how i want and when i want.

So, what makes a good blog??  I have read a few lately, and completely random kinds, and the thing that keeps me going back for more is what???  I actually don't know.  so how can i write it, if i don't even know?
I guess I'm just going to have to suck it and see.  Perhaps I'll be good at it, but perhaps I'll be shit. 

I guess a little about me is a good start.

I lead a crazy life.  I work part time (3 days a week) at what i call my day job.  I am a book keeper extraordinaire, and go to girl when someone who should know what they are doing, doesn't.  Some days this pisses me off, some days I love it.  I guess it depends who comes knocking on my desk.

One day a week I wander into the office at our shop.  Some days i work, some days i spend my time pretending, and surf the net,  putting off the inevitable.  It's probably lucky i don't get paid for it, because I sure as shit don't earn my wage in there, that is until the end of the month, when i have no alternative to pull my finger out and do stuff.  Unfortunately bills don't pay themselves, and bank statements don't reconcile themselves.

In between work, i have a devoted, beautiful, patient and quiet husband, he is the Yin to my Yang. We have two kids.  One a very demanding three year old diva, who knows what she wants, when she wants and god help anyone who gets in the way, or dares to say no, evened out by a placid, thoughtful and caring 10 year old boy.

On top of that we are on the hunt for our dream home.  This one will be the settler.  The one we stay in until our old legs and backs are breaking and its time to downsize.

Life is busy.  Mostly good, but busy.

At the moment we are in a dark place, hit hard by the death of my husbands brother.  but that's a post for another day.

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